Just more poison: Study shows “Omicron-specific” mRNA boosters to be WORTHLESS by: Ethan Huff for Natural News
Researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston have confirmed that the all-new “Omicron-specific” booster shots for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are certifiably worthless.
Little more than “a $5 billion taxpayer-financed marketing gimmick,” to quote Alex Berenson, Omicron-specific mRNA boosters do absolutely nothing differently than the original shots, which is hardly a surprise.
The jabs are just another Big Pharma-Wall Street scam, it turns out, to funnel more ill-gotten gains into the pockets of pharmaceutical industry executives like Pfizer’s Albert Bourla, who is arguably at the top of the list when it comes to the world’s most evil humans.
Not only are the new boosters worthless, but they actually produce even fewer Omicron-specific T-cells than the original Operation Warp Speed injections that were foisted upon the world by the Trump administration. (Related: Omicron booster injections were approved by the FDA without a single human test.)
“This finding is of particular concern because T-cells, the second line of the immune system, keep infections from becoming too severe,” Berenson notes.
Covid jabs are a money-making SCAM to enrich Big Pharma and corrupt politicians
Because they stop “working” within just a few weeks, the original mRNA shot formulations have been largely discontinued, only to be replaced by the all-new Omicron-specific boosters.
Real-world data strongly suggests that the original injections increase the risk of infection within months, which is part of the reason why Big Pharma continues to churn out new shots to “fix” the problems caused by the old ones.
The other reason is that an endless line of chemical injections means big profits for Big Pharma, which exists to steal money from the masses while sickening and killing them.
In the United States alone, $5 billion was stolen from taxpayers to purchase some 171 million doses of the new Omicron-specific booster jabs, which are nothing more than a medical hoax.
Another recent study came to a similar conclusion as the new study in bioRxiv, showing that the new booster jabs for Omicron work no better than the original Omicron boosters.
“Both studies showed the antibodies our immune systems produce after the Omicron shot are more effective against the original and now essentially extinct version of Sars-Cov-2 than against Omicron variants,” Berenson explains.
“This phenomenon is called “original antigenic sin” or “immune imprinting,” and can occur after any vaccination – or infection. But the mRNA shots appear particularly likely to cause it, probably because they stimulate such high levels of anti-spike antibodies when they are first given.”
Just like the earlier study, this new one also found that following the administration of both the original and the “new-and-improved” Omicron booster shots, T-cells end up focusing more on the original SARS-CoV-2 as opposed to the various Omicron variants.
“T-cells are a crucial second line of immune defense, helping the body keep infections from becoming too severe,” Berenson further explains.
“Because Omicron is not very dangerous to most people, a weak T-cell response does not matter much against it. But if a future Sars-Cov-2 variant is more dangerous, the relative lack of a T-cell response could put vaccinated people may be at serious risk.”
Truth be told, covid, Omicron, and the rest of it are a non-issue. If the government and the media would simply stop talking about the subject, things could quickly return back to “normal.”
Instead, some people are still believing the lies and lining right up for the latest injections, which is keeping the plandemic going with no end in sight.
“I’ve tried to convince myself this is just incompetence or profiteering,” one commenter wrote. “We all know what’s going on now: MALICE.”